
2019 has been a remarkable year. We where confronted with very difficult and radical events in our personal lives and this has affected the time and energy we wanted to invest in in a negative way. We would like to thank you all for your support and understanding during this tough period. 

But we are more than happy to announce that we have left this dark period behind us and looking forward for 2020 with (almost) full energy again ! One of the interesting things will be for sure the development of enhanced features for multi-sports in the upcoming months, we already started development on this and the first features will be fully focused on foiling. With this new multi-sports features also the older platforms like ice-surfing & kite-surfing will see a brand new relaunch. 

We will keep you posted on the progress and keep in touch !

GP3S Crew


As the foil ranking seems to bee disabled already :

Any info on when the new foil version is available? Will the goldmembbership for Gps speedsurfing also apply for the folil version?

For statistics would be nice to start the new year directly on the new site...







we will launch the sites in beta in Januari, you can still post your foil sessions on gps-speedsurfing if you preffer. 

We are looking for testers to validate the kite, foil and ice websites. Please drop a message here if you would be a beta tester.