
We have noticed that there are still some members who are using out-dated software versions of GPS-Results & GPS Action Replay. This could lead to inconsistencies in both Google Maps Overlay (accessible for all members in all sessions) and Full Track Mapping (Premium Members). The correct software versions are:


GPS Results:               Version 6.135 (Windows)  & Version 5.38 (Mac)

Download available at

GPS Action Replay:    Version 5.9 (Windows & Mac)

Download available at


We urge all members to upgrade GPS-Results & GPS Action Replay software before the 30th of April. After that date it will not be possible to use the older versions, and uploads will be fully blocked!!


When you use the “Upload Track” feature from the website you don’t have to take any additional actions, this software is updated automatically.

One week left to upgrade your software...