
I have a Suunto watch at the moment. Very useful for me to track my progress at improving my gybing.

I wanted to do better analysis than eyeballing the Suunto data in the Movescount website, so I downloaded all of my trace files from Movescount and wrote my own app to analyse them (looking for gybes and charting the minimum exit speed through each gybe). I noticed that the 1s data is somewhat dirty, and that Movescount is smoothing out the peaks and troughs and presenting the trace at 3 or 4 second intervals. Suunto have confirmed that this is the case when I raised it with them.

If I download trace files from the GW60 is it likely to have the same issue or is the trace more reliable? I am assuming that it is because otherwise it would place people's speeds in a reasonable amount of doubt. I see artifacts in my Suunto trace where for 1s I was doing 40kn on standard freeride kit. It isn't a huge problem for my purposes but it would be nicer if I could trust the data!

(Apologies if the original post should have been in "tech". I can't see a way to move it now.

(Apologies if the original post should have been in "tech". I can't see a way to move it now.)